
The Thursday Jam is an open contact improv and movement space offered weekly in Berkeley from 8pm until 11pm. Before the jam, from 7pm until 8pm, there is an all-levels contact improv class.

Both the jam and the class are offered freely and no pre-registration is required. For more info about how this works, please see our FAQ.

Our schedule has an up-to-date listing of upcoming teachers and musicians.

The jam offers an inclusive environment that is warm, friendly and very welcoming of folks new to Contact Improv. There is a varied soundscape with a mix of silence, DJ’ed tracks, and improvised live music.

The jam happens every week except for the occasional holiday cancellation. To keep up-to-date with news (including upcoming teachers and musicians), please check our schedule or sign up for our low-traffic mailing list.

Please feel free to email us with questions or suggestions at contact@thursdayjam.org – we’d love to hear from you!

– Thursday Jam Organizers

COVID update (April 2023): Masks optional; please do not attend if you are not 100% well.